A little note to anyone out there who may be struggling with their weight – or body image – or may have made yet ANOTHER resolution to get thinner, lose weight, blah, blah, blah… I just wanted to pass along some truth…
I gave up on added sugar years ago.
No sugar in my coffee. I don’t eat breakfast cereal. No non-dairy creamers. No soda or sports drinks. I gave up liquid dairy (milk, cream, etc.) years ago.
I eat very little cheese, bread, crackers or other snacky stuff.
I eat ZERO fast food. I don’t eat deli meat.
I don’t purchase pasta at the store – so – not in my house to eat.
I don’t swine on stuff out of cans, bags or boxes.
I order food from 2 different restaurants maybe once a month.
I live primarily on nuts, veggies, fish, lentils, fruit, and salad type stuff – aside from a bitchin BBQ habit. 60 days ago – at least – I gave up booze, pork, red meat, white rice or any other high-glycemic stuff – as well as strictly stayed away from all of the above. And… Wait for it…
I haven’t lost a pound… In fact – I may have gained a few…
So – the moral of the story is… You can keep torturing yourself with these stupid diets – starving yourself – taking pills – drinking shakes – running until your nipples wear off – and white knuckling your way through life trying not to gain an ounce – and none of it is going to make a difference.
You are who you are – and the only control you have over your body and weight – is your ability to control what you put into it – how much you put into it – and how often your hand moves from the bowl to your mouth. Aside from that – shaking your ass down the block when you can might help a bit too…
But for the most part – with me being the perfect example – you can cut it all out and do everything you’ve been told is the right thing to do – and still not lose anything… Which isn’t going to help you trust any of this shit.
Don’t get discouraged – keep up the good fight – do what is important to you and be true to yourself – as well as gentle with yourself. Work on being happy on the inside before you spend a moment concerning yourself with the outside. People will love you no matter what your body-brain might be telling you.
Stop putting garbage in your mouth if you are – as it only makes things harder to deal with – now and down the road. Strive to be happy first – or the healthy part will never really come. In the meantime – eat what’s good for you – and plenty of it…
Be chubby – be merry – to hell what anyone else might think. It doesn’t matter. They don’t matter.
You do. Don’t forget it.