Upon examination (which we know most rubes won’t actually do) – it always seems to be billionaires and multi-millionaires convincing legions of blue-collar folk that their problems are always due to someone else, the actions those mythical villains do or do not take, or that some poor dirt farmer from a 3rd world nation is coming for what little they have.
There isn’t one of these ideological, political, pot stirring, culture war fomenting, lie fabricating heroes that doesn’t live in a house far bigger than yours, drive cars much nicer than yours, have finances magnificently greater than yours, and no need to worry about anything which keeps an ordinary person up at night.
In fact – they openly fundraise and profiteer from providing an endless stream of circular grievances and utter bullshit to keep people in a continuous cauldron of anger and malaise.
Here’s the challenge… Take your collective of people, from whom you harvest your worldview and political opinions – the echo chamber responsible for your internal narrative – and spend a few moments on the internet looking up pictures of the houses they live in…
Then stop and ask yourself… “Self, why would a person who lives in a house like that, with such obvious wealth, be spending so much time trying to influence how I think – and craft the things I’m supposed to care about???”
When you come up with your best answer – feel free to share it with the rest of the class…
I’d offer the idea – that without you – they would have no power to get more of what they want – which is what you more than likely have less of…
The things they most fear in your possession?
Property, independent thought, money and political influence.
They do however want your vote – so that they can solidify more ways to keep theirs…
Prove me wrong…